- 14 mars 2021
Skapa SailChart från ORCi mätbrevet
Förra artikeln avhandlade vilket performance-data man kunde få ut av ORCi-brevens output-filer i XML-format. Om ni missade att läsa den...
- 25 feb. 2021
Planering och optimering av ORCi mätbrev- Del 1
För den tekniskt intresserade är ORCi mätbreven en guldgruva att gräva ur för att lära sig hur man skruvar ut mer de segel man redan har...
- 9 apr. 2017
Intense preparations underway
The weekend was filled of intense work on Wetjob. There are so many things that need to be in place before we can be starting up the...
- 5 apr. 2017
ORCi Measurement and hull wash
The rig is lifted off and measured in both weight and balance. 167 kilos including halyards pretty OK for a 19 meter long mast. Jim...
- 26 mars 2017
Further preparations for the season 2017
Time flies! Only three weeks to go before first planned training race.... Suddenly the long winter break is almost done, and we have so...
- 19 feb. 2017
Winter preparations underway
Wonderful Sunday with temperatures over 5 deg C and sun from a clear sky. Four guys from the crew preparing for the coming season. Here...
- 25 jan. 2017
Winter planning
Kicked off the first planning meeting to get the preparations for the 2017 season going. Quick breakdown of tasks and areas. Everyone...