Time flies!
Only three weeks to go before first planned training race.... Suddenly the long winter break is almost done, and we have so much left to do. Trying to keep track of everything that needs to be in place before we start of the season. Major installation of all instrumentation aboard, from specially made mast instrumentation to installing load cell on forestay and plotters and repeters in the cockpit.

The specially made mast bracket fitted perfectly, made by the brilliant guys at Diverse Yachts in UK. Maximizing the space, fitting in five B&G repeters will make the perfect solution for a race boat like this.
Attached to the mast with five small M5 screws on each side will make a robust but still light installation with optimal visibility from the whole cockpit.
I just hope we got clear from all reefing lines and other ropes that past thrue this space. Still left to do is all cabling and the actual mounting of the instruments.

We also have open up mounting holes for all instruments in the cockpit, finding a good place for the big B&G plotter on starboard in the front of the cockpit. Still remains are the holes for the small B&G 10/10 repeaters showing forestay load. The will be place close to the runner winches in the back of the pit. Dan looks quite pleased with the work. Magical day in March with 17 degrees and sunshine. More of that please!