Just back after a few days of training and preparations outside the sailing center of Sandhamn in clear but cold conditions. We hade the privilege to exercise together with a few other ORCi boats like the two Farr 40s Stormtrooper and Hurrykanen, the Sydney 40 Rush, AlmaViva a First 40 and SALT 2.0 an Arcona 465 Carbon.

We did speed checking against each other excellently coordinated by Håkan Forslund from his Sydney 40 named Rush.
We had excellent dinners at Sandhamn Värdshus and ther whole weekend was rewarding, lerning curve is steep and you realize that we know so little.

Before leaving Rindö Hamn we called out Anders Lewander to do initial setup on the new JibZero which mounts way back out on the bowsprit.

There are some fine tuning left but it looks quite good for the low end register of upwind conditions.

The weekend also provided some good practice for downwind gybing, here is our new light A1 in very light conditions on Kanholmsfjärden.